“What is Left” by Chelsea Elder

How can an empty person

Write a full poem

A poem filled with mood

Filled with the

Stimulation of another



Because there is nothing

Because there is

That void of emotion

That scar from betrayal

that is

Disguised as healing

To those people that are filled


Because they feel

They expect her to

Feel the gesture

Of comfort

Or feel the

Embrace of a hug


Their tears are present

They can feel their bruises

They have bandages

But they are still bleeding

They have enough

Sense to

Call, Scream

But she needs help


She is empty because anger is

An empty promise

Anger promises to be by her side

When the tears begin to fall

Like rain in a storm

Anger promises to love her when

She feels nothing

Like nothing


If she agrees to be filled

She agrees to move on

She agrees to allow the change in


She agrees to fill the poem


Chelsea Elder, a concrete person writing about the abstract.

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